Premio 40 Light
Titre 2 sur sedatelec et
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
You are on setup mode to select the detection light intensity.
Press on F or % to choose between 4 different intensity levels.
To set your choice or to get into detection mode, press on the on/off button.
You are using the fundamental Nogier frequencies (2.28, 4.56 Hz…).
To apply the higher harmonic frequencies (292, 584 Hz…) press 3 seconds on F (and vice versa), that way the eye will no longer see the blinking light.
The supplied battery is rechargeable. It takes up to 3 hours for a full battery charge. The duration of the battery depends on the stimulation intensity and the frequency selected (on average between 3 and 5 hours).
As an option you can get a high capacity extra-large battery, which lasts on average 3 times more.
The percentage variation is of 5%. When there are two numbers turned on, it means that you are between them. For example, if 10% and 20% are turned on, you are at 15%.
When you are in mode 2- DB165 for laterality:
- BF means low frequency (3.79 Hz)
- HF means high frequency (8.74 Hz)
Yes, all your Sedatelec filters are suitable with the Premio 40!
The device allows you to:
- Use the Nogier frequencies with -30% to +30% variations – Mode 1 GIR
- Check laterality with BF (3.79 Hz) and HF (8.74 Hz) frequencies – Mode 2 DB
- Stimulate with continuous light from 780 to 51.500 Lux – Mode 3 Continuous
Regardless of the mode you choose, you can work with white or colored light putting Sedatelec filters or discs.
You are in Mode 1 when one frequency and one percentage are turned on.
A brief click on the arrow button allows you to surf between Mode 1 and Mode 3. You are in Mode 3 when at least G, L and +30% are turned on.
If you click briefly again on the arrow button you will be back in Mode 1.
When you are in Mode 1 and you want to reach Mode 2, you have to click for 2 seconds on the arrow button (and vice versa).
The device is in Mode 2 when BF and/or HF are turned on.
When you are in Mode 1 and 2 you can switch between low and high stimulation by clicking briefly on the ON/OFF button.
When you are in Mode 3, you can vary the light intensity on 7 levels.
Click on the % button to increase it, or on the F button to decrease it.
The side which shows the color numbers must be facing the therapist. The number seen on the disc is the projected color.
Yes! When you are in mode 1, you can activate the automatic scanning of the frequencies from A to G, by pressing for 2 seconds on F. To stop it, press briefly on F.
Likewise, for an automatic % scan, in 5% steps, press on % for 2 seconds. To stop it, click briefly on %.
The nozzles are used to focalize the light, according to the size of the area you want to illuminate:
- Ø 2 mm: use the auricular nozzle
- Ø 5 to 10 cm: use the inox nozzle
- >10 cm: do not use any nozzle
Click three seconds on the ON/OFF button.