

Titre 2 sur sedatelec et


LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine


LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine


Vacaciones de verano 2024

Realice sus pedidos antes del 31 de julio para un envío antes de las vacaciones. Sedatelec estará cerrado del 5 de agosto al 15 de agosto.

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XIV Congreso Medicina Tradicional Complementaria e Integrativa

Este congreso pretende de exponer la situación actual de las disciplinas de las medicinas tradicionales, complementarias e integrativas.

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Curso de Auriculoterapia para trauma psicológico y dolor físico en Portugal

En este curso aprenderá a utilizar la Auriculoterapia para el tratamiento de flashbacks traumáticos y trastorno de estrés postraumático.

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Curso de Auriculoterapia de base en España

Este curso es para aquellos que empiezan la Auriculoterapia, esta ampliará su campo de acción y dará una mejor y mayor respuesta del paciente.

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IV Congreso International de Acupuntura Integrativa y Mulidisciplinar

Congreso con ponentes internacionales donde se hablará sobre la situación actual de la acupuntura y las últimas investigaciones en el área.

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Auriculotherapy course for hormonal balance

Did you know that Auriculotherapy is used for hormonal balance? Learn how it works during this course held in Portugal.

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What is Auriculotherapy – Free Online Masterclass

Did you know that you can access everything through the ear? Discover what is Auriculotherapy and why you should adopt it in your practice.

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Interview with Thierry Garaboux, CEO of Sedatelec

Discover what surprises Sedatelec has in store for you in the future, in this interview conducted for the 10th Symposium of Auriculotherapy.

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How to choose a soft laser?

Discover the main characteristics of a soft laser.

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Auriculotherapy Q&A session – Theme: Covid Symptoms

These Q&A sessions aim to answer all the questions you may have about Auriculotherapy and to show you new techniques in treating ear points.

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Auriculotherapy Q&A session – Theme: Treating the jaw

These Q&A sessions aim to answer all the questions you may have about Auriculotherapy and to show you new techniques in treating ear points.

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Photobiomodulation University Diploma at the University of Montpellier 2023-2024

This University Diploma introduces you to Photobiomodulation: an innovative technique for management pain, inflammation, wound healing...

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11th International Auriculotherapy Symposium

Take part in the 11th International Symposium of Auriculo, it will take place in Denmark. Auriculotherapy meets the psychological field.

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Utilización del Láser frío para Acupuntura Veterinaria con la Dr Lorena Lloret

Descubra cómo usar el láser suave para la Acupuntura Veterinaria con la Dr Lorena Lloret el 13 de Mayo 2023. Inscríbase ahora!

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Formación de la Battlefield Acupuncture en línea

Participe en el primer curso en línea de la Battlefield Acupuncture en español. Este protocolo es famoso por su efecto rápido para disminuir el dolor.

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Sedatelec has participated in the “Explore & match: Healthcare” mission in Saudi Arabia

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Formación de Battlefield Acupuncture en Europa

Aprenda el famoso protocolo de la Battlefield Acupuncture, usado para aliviar el dolor de manera inmediata, con John Howard.

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Nogier Auriculotherapy courses in Brazil

Take part in Clinical Auriculotherapy courses organized by the Raphael Nogier school in Brazil, since 2014.

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GLEM training schedule

Discover the 2022/2023 training schedule proposed by the GLEM (Medical study group from Lyon).

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Intensive auricular therapy training in English

Discover the new intensive Auriculotherapy training in English. It will be launched in October.

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