Heat Stimulation
Sedatelec, creator of the only Moxa-Like reproducing the spectrum of heated mugwort to provide the same effectiveness as traditional moxibustion: increased blood flow, anti-pain treatment, stimulation of the immune system, and more.
Titre 2 sur sedatelec et
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
Safe Moxibustion

Therapeutic application of heat is a non-invasive practice and promotes muscle relaxation, reduces stiffness, locally increases blood circulation and stimulates the immune system etc. This heat effectively combats pain and has a very specific role in traditional Chinese medicine in which it has been used on a daily basis for thousands of years: it is called Moxibustion.
Locally, stimulation of heat receptors triggers the release of mediators (substance P, somatostatin, etc) which act immediately by causing inflammation:
- Initial vasoconstriction for a very short period of time, probably a reflex effect from the vascular wall
- Vasodilatation and increase in blood flow by antidromic stimulation of the afferent axon
- Activation of mastocytes and of the immune system more generally (increase in the blood population and activity of white cells) over a relatively long period (over 2 weeks)
At a higher level, summation of stimuli and local changes are integrated and processed by the CNS leading to a general coordinated neuroendocrine response.
1st electric moxa device specifically designed to be as effective as traditional moxibustion.