Laser Stimulation
Whether you’re a dentist, veterinarian, physiotherapist, reflexologist or auriculotherapist,… Sedatelec can provide you with Lasers that are innovative, ergonomic, easy to handle and practical.
Harmlessly and without heating, discover the many benefits of Laser photobiomodulation.
Titre 2 sur sedatelec et
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
LEs gammes d'auricilomédecine
Why use
a Soft Laser?
Cold Lasers have two main types of application, reflex therapy and local stimulation.
- In acupuncture, auriculotherapy, reflex therapy, the Laser is particularly popular to replace the needle for point stimulation.
- In physiotherapy, the Laser is applied locally on an area. It acts on the synthesis of proteins (ATP) through the mitochondria and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, relaxing and regenerating properties.
With both types of stimulation, cold Lasers do not use the heat effect and both preserve tissues and stimulate their natural biological properties.
Laser stimulation is quick, sterile and painless, as it does not require cutaneous breaches.
Information at the heart of the cell
The Laser, high spatial and temporal coherence beam, enables to deliver the energy which it carries to the heart of the cells making up tissues. This energy enables the intracellular production of ATP, through the mytochondria. The thereby mobilized transcriptors will:
- Revitalise protein synthesis,
- Increase diffusion of molecules involved in inflammatory processes, the modulation of certain cytokines and neuromediators,
- Promote cellular oxygenation,…
These molecular interactions lead to changes in cell function such as facilitated micro-circulation and all of its positive consequences on local regeneration.
Specific aspects of Sedatelec Lasers
Whether it’s for stimulating a point or zone, Sedatelec Lasers have the following characteristics:
- Wavelength: 905 nm: zone with the least water absorption and the least haemoglobin and melanin reflection.
- High peak power up to 100W: for reaching the deepest zones.
- Pulsed or super-pulsed emission: pulse <100 nanoseconds delivering a very low energy to prevent thermal heating.
- Nogier Frequencies**: frequency-adapted message for increased effectiveness.
Soft Laser that provides painless infrared stimulation of acupuncture points, including those on the face and sensitive areas, auricular points and trigger points.
ExploreUniversal cold laser for bio-stimulation. It delivers fast intense local analgesic, regenerative, muscle relaxant action without side effects, on a point or an area.
ExploreCold laser for bio-stimulation. It delivers fast intense local analgesic, regenerative, muscle relaxant action without side effects, promoting hemostasis.
ExploreCold bio-stimulation laser dedicated to veterinary practice.It delivers fast intense local analgesic, regenerative, muscle relaxant action without side effects.