Nogier frequencies are very strong universal frequencies with which alone you are already fully equipped in laser frequency therapy.
The 7 Nogier frequencies are frequencies of embryological development. Resonance to these primary control frequencies remains throughout life. The resonance of Nogier frequencies with the various embryonic tissues also results in the resonance with the differentiated multiple tissues and structures of the developed body.
- Time: 4 hours
- Target: this online course is suitable for human and veterinary therapists alike.
- Price: 96 € (incl. 19% VAT, accompanying booklet and course certificate)
It consists of two parts of approximately equal length, between which you should allow yourself a few weeks to practice.
Part 1:
- The principle of order of the Nogier frequency
- How were Nogier frequencies discovered?
- The 7 resonance spaces of Nogier frequencies and their applications
- Can one do anyething ‘wrong’ when choosing a Nogier frequency?
- When to combine Nogier frequencies?
Part 2:
- Case discussions from orthopedics, neurology, internal medicine, dermatology, dentistry, psychology
- Examples of uses for the higher Nogier frequencies, especially F and G
- Sources of error and interference ‘entrainment’ and the use of multiple Nogier frequencies
In this course you will also see exactly how she uses the Laser on her patients.
For example, how to apply our Premio 32 EVO in auriculotherapy, acupuncture, local therapy and more.
Anja Füchtenbusch (Dipl. Biologist, THP)
Specialist in laser photo therapy, laser acupuncture (human and vet) and laser field (laser frequency) therapy. Author and lecturer on topics related to photo-laser therapy, TCM and regulative therapy methods in human and veterinary medicine